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HIV/AIDS Updates
The Community HIV/AIDS Resource Exchange Project (CHARE Project) was established to provide HIV/AIDS prevention capacity building and technical assistance services; to enhance the delivery of HIV/AIDS prevention education, direct/indirect services; and to foster collaborative networking partnerships. CHARE Project provides information, resources, training, linkage and other services tailored for HIV/AIDS service providers, community organizations and related agencies.
CHARE Project strives to assist organizations, community groups, and health agencies in the mutual mission of providing STD/HIV/AIDS prevention education and health promotion to African-American communities impacted by STD/HIV/AIDS. Regardless of shutdowns, cutbacks, or lack of funding, the mission is unfinished. "Still much work to be done in our cities!
CHARE Project serves as an venue to channel the acquired thirty-four (34) years of public health experience (clinical, administrative, international, and outreach), social media knowledge, and professional network. It will provide HIV/AIDS prevention capacity building, technical assistance, social media marketing, and related services which benefit populations affected and/or impacted by HIV/AIDS on the local, national, and international level.
CHARE Project' areas of interest include HIV/AIDS awareness, HIV prevention education, community mobilization, STD/STI lab training, social media marketing, social good, and networking. Please feel free to contact CHARE Project to see how we can work together!
CHARE Centers in Second Life & OpenSim Virtual World Integration of CHARE Project